Quick Help

For the contact phone number you may enter a DSN, a commercial or a cell phone number. Please be as specific as possible when describing your event.

Note reoccurring dates in the Event/Program Details section; specify if the event occurs daily, weekly or monthly.

Not an FSS Facility?
Please contact the Force Support Marketing Department at (575) 572 - 5597 for print & promotion rates prior to submitting this form.
Select `Studio 49 Print Shop Customers` to place your print request from the dropdown when submitting a marketing request ticket.

Required fields are marked with *.

Marketing Requests
Print Shop requests must be submitted no later than 10 business days prior to needed date. All work orders are completed in chronological order and as time permits. If a request is needed sooner than 10 business days, a rush fee will be added.

Sponsorship Requests
ALL sponsorship support requests must be submitted no later than 60 business days prior to event date. Sponsorship support is not always guaranteed, please plan your event/program accordingly. Sponsorship requests MUST INCLUDE a budget of anticipated enhancement expenses.

(Please click here in order to fill in the Sponsorship Request Form Please fill it out and send it to the Sponsorship coordinator.

After Action Report
**Only for events that are 100 people or more* Submit no later than five business days after event. MUST INCLUDE financial details such as all supplementary expenses, sponsorship requested and sponsorship used, anticipated revenue vs. actual revenue, etc.

(Please click here for a After Action Report)

Submit a Ticket


This ticket system is no longer in use and is NOT monitored. Please submit your request at 49fss.com/requests. 

Please delete any saved bookmarks to this address.

Thank you.

General Information
Further Details
Is there also a Member/Special Price?
Is Sponsorship needed? When Yes, I will meet with the Sponsorship Coordinator.
Which of these is not an animal: chicken, spider, shirt
Before submitting please make sure of the following
  • All necessary information has been filled out.
  • All information is correct and error-free.
  • If this request is not submitted by an FSS facility; I understand this is a fee based service.
We have:
  • recorded as your IP Address
  • recorded the time of your submission

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